Hey all. I recently returned from Israel, where I went to prepare for my immigration to there this summer. It helped me recover from a rather difficult semester, and right now, things are looking pretty good. The trip to Israel, short though it was, was absolutely crammed with activity. For now, I don't have any poignant reflections or interesting insights (at least not that I'm going to type up right now), so I hope you're satisified with this:
By the numbers:
Till next time, campers.
By the numbers:
- Days spent in Israel: 19
- Job interviews: 5
- Jobs offered: 1
- Jobs occepted: 5
- Meals eaten out: 35+
- Distance covered in cabs or busses: 700+ km
- Distance walked: 15+ km
- Amount overspent: $200-$300
- Books purchased: 8
- Books read: 4
- Books lost: 1
- Passports lost: 1
- Trips to the US Embassy in Israel: 2
- Passports replaced: 1
- Shorelines encountered: 1
- Shorelines pondered: 1
- Engagement parties attended: 2
- Plays viewed: 1
- SMS's sent: 136
- SMS's received: 118
- Time spent on phone: 6+ hours
- Times I unexpectedly ended up on the side of the highway: 2
- Times I was asked by a stranger if I was a Kohein: 2
- Times I was asked by a stranger to bless him: 1
- Times I was asked why I'm moving to Israel: 3+
- Amount of time until I return to Israel, for good: 6-7 months
- Amount I'll miss everyone I'll leave behind in the US: immesurable
- Amount I'll miss my parents, my brother, and my sister: more than that.
Till next time, campers.